8. Use of Beadwork
As I described on the previous pages, there are several ways to use beadwork.
The most common are the woven bracelets. A few years ago it was fashionable to wear those and almost every teenager had them. The more the better, since those were also called "friendship-bracelets" and the more one had, the more friends she/he had.
Almost every color was used and most of the time the bracelet displayed a name, either of the owner or the maker.
Sometimes there were also floral designs used.
I for my part used only designs from or similair to Native American designs.
Another way to use beadwork is to decorate shirts.
Native Americans used beadwork also to "paint pictures"......
...... besides of decorating their dresses and moccasins.
Native Americans also used beadwork to decorate the dresses of puppets.
I made a dress for a teddy. §;-)
It is also used for the decoration of "every day use" objects like barrets and purses.
Making keyrings is also very popular.
But the most important thing, for which beadwork is used, is to decorate Pow Wow Outfits. (See the explanation What is a Pow Wow?)
At the end of 2009 I was contacted by a man from Germany.
Tilo asked me to bead 3 rosettes and 2 stripes to adorn his leather jacket.
So he sent me his ideas:And here are the results (rosettes are not really my speciality ;-) :
And this is how the finished jacket looks like:
Thank you Tilo for the pics :-)